Durability. It’s certainly a quality you look for in a car, but what about your windows? Can you walk around your house right now and say confidently that your windows are durable? That they can stand up against the harshest of weather? Durability and strength are two qualities you should always be cognizant of when shopping for windows. We’ve spoken a lot about Ultrex Fiberglass, a pultruded fiberglass material found in many fiberglass windows, including our line of replacement windows. When it comes to fiberglass, what you’re getting is an incredibly durable, dependable, and beautiful material that is built to last you a very long time. But, you might be wondering what exactly is fiberglass. More specifically, what is Ultrex fiberglass and how can it truly benefit your home? Don’t worry, we won’t leave you hanging. Here’s the full scope of what goes into the ultimate building material, and how it can have a major impact on your home — and your wallet.

What is Fiberglass?

Fiberglass is a composite material composed of small bits of glass in a resin matrix. Ultrex is pultruded, meaning that the fiberglass composite is pulled through a die, which ensures that every product is completely consistent in look and feel. What makes Ultrex different from other fiberglass products is its focus on the environment. That’s right. Ultrex fiberglass is 100% recyclable and contains 0% vinyl, and it’s so durable that only a diamond-edged blade can be used to cut it.

Saving Money

One of the best aspects of fiberglass is how it can save you money in so many ways. Because traditional vinyl windows are prone to cracking, gaps, and degradation over time, you could end up with air leaks that will cause you to spend more money on heating and cooling your home and, ultimately, you’ll be paying to replace those windows when they just can’t do the job after a few years.

Resistant to UV Degradation

Fiberglass, on the other hand, is an incredibly energy-efficient material. Not only does it block up to 95% of UV rays from the sun — the kind which can cause nasty burns! — it also resists UV degradation up to 5 times better than any other window material on the market. Plus, Ultrex can withstand even the toughest temperature changes. We’re talking temps ranging from 40 degrees below, to 350 degrees above without any cracks or other seal failures. When combined with wide range of insulating glass options, you can rest assured that the warm air will stay out in the summer, and the cool in the winter. This means you’ll have to spend far less money on your energy bills, because you won’t have to crank up the AC or the thermostat ever again.

When it comes to replacing your windows, there are many factors you need to consider: cost, energy efficiency, style, as well as durability and strength. Durability can mean many different things. For instance, fiberglass windows can not only stand up tall to stormy weather but they can also block UV rays from the sun. Next time when you’re shopping for replacement windows, be sure to keep these factors in mind.