Have you been noticing that your home's energy costs are increasing every month? You might want to investigate the quality of your humble abode's windows. Cracks in the wood or molding surrounding the frame could be allowing warm or cool air indoors to escape outside. Additionally, thin or poorly made panes of glass could be responsible for your insulation issues, making it time to install Marvin replacement windows.

Not only are these windows designed to bring an attractive and inviting aesthetic into your house, but they're also durable enough to keep temperatures outside from running up your monthly energy bills. However, you can also enhance the energy efficiency of your new fiberglass replacement windows with the following tips and tricks.

Check your entryways
If you've determined that your old, drafty windows were to blame for increased heating or air conditioning expenditures, your next step should be to investigate the state of your doorways. As your home's connecting points to the outside world, these portals are among the most likely places for air leaks to occur.

Sometimes the reason behind these drafts is because the door no longer perfectly fits the surrounding frame. You may want to call a professional to adjust the alignment and positioning of the door to improve insulation without having to replace the whole door. For another easy fix, consider placing a long door snake – essentially a thick fabric tube filled with sand – to block any drafts coming under the doorways.

Consider your window dressings
Often the best way to supplement the energy efficiency of your windows is through curtains and drapery. This is particularly true during the winter months, when even the sturdiest and most reliable windows can struggle to keep your home safe from the bitter cold temperatures outside.

By simply picking a pair of heavy curtains or dressings for your windows, you can create an additional barrier that blocks cold air. This is both a practical and aesthetic boost, as you can find colorful patterns and designs that improve your room's decorative scheme. When you want to take these heavy shades down in the summertime, consider a translucent pair that filters light to keep your home comfortable and sunny.

Investigate outlets and ceiling lights
Any hole in your home can be a prime suspect for drafts and energy loss, but two such types of openings are often overlooked by homeowners – electrical outlets and ceiling lights. These areas are essentially holes that connect adjacent rooms in your house, so it makes sense that they would allow temperate air to escape to the cold regions between the ceilings and walls.

Consider hiring an electrical energy professional to examine your outlets and lighting fixtures to determine the best way to improve their insulation.